
Nature Photography Exhibition

    Born in a country full of natural scenery. Also born in a country full of love for nature. The green of nature did not make my dream come to an end. Like the sky above that mountain, I once promised myself that my dreams should be that high. My dream must be accomplished like a peak that almost touches the sky. Hurry up and recover my Indonesia, my dream will not work if you are still falling.


  I have a message "Save the world from hunger with love" this message applies to all sustainable development goals (SDGs) because everything we do is based on effort. After I understood "more space and love 4SDGS" I have the motto "One cannot think well, loves well, and sleeps well if not eating well" because with this motto I feel that someone who is starving cannot think clearly in situations whatever, like now with the presence of Covid 19, many people who now don't even believe in Covid-19 they say it is a conspiracy and so on even saying that they are not hard and hungry people, they are healthy - educated people and highly educated. People who can eat still cannot think clearly and objectively, especially people who are starving. This shows that they cannot think well when faced with a situation they have never experienced before, namely a pandemic that never ends. 3.

Personal letter

Personal letter